Race for Life - Taper Top Tips
The taper is when you cut back your training and allow your body to heal and adapt to all those miles you've put in, leaving you fresh and fit for race day;
The Final Week
Reduce your training to just some easy runs no longer than 30 minutes
Get plenty of rest and don’t do all the odd jobs at home
Stick to your normal diet with slightly more emphasis on carbohydrate but don’t comfort eat!
Keep sensibly hydrated all week
Relax mentally and try to keep your mind off the race
Look back at all the good training you have achieved when you have any negative thoughts
This is not the time to try or do anything different – stick to your routine
Because you are not training as much as normal you may feel a little sluggish – it’s normal!
Get your race kit ready including shoes, race number and pins, spare laces, vaseline, hat, gloves, old cloths, bin liner, toilet paper food for after the race etc and plan where you will meet your friends and family afterwards
It is normal to feel nervous but if you do have a last minute niggle, injury or worry please email us for quick advice on info@runningwithus.com
The Final 24 Hours
Have a very relaxed day – stay off your feet as much as possible
Stay positive and focused about your race plan
Have a very easy 10-15 minute jog just to turn your legs over
Graze on carbohydrates and have a number of small meals
Keep hydrated but don’t overdo it
Last ‘main’ meal around 6-7pm and then graze on carbohydrate
Avoid alcohol
You may not sleep to well but this is normal
The Big Day
Have your normal pre-long run breakfast
Keep control of your nerves
Take water to the start
Dress with old clothes you can throw away in case of cold/wet conditions
Get to the start early – allow time not to rush
Stay wrapped up and warm for as long as you can
Minimum warm up and don’t do anything different to a normal race
The Race
Remember it’s a race about you against the marathon distance, not you against anybody else running the race
Stay in control but enjoy the atmosphere and excitement
Running a good marathon is all about pace and patience
Manage your energy and fuel economy
Be aware of what others are doing and debris at drink stations
Run even pace – try to avoid weaving around other runners
The race starts at about mile 17 before that it is just transport!
Enjoy but be aware of your pace when you are lifted by the crowd and atmosphere
Everyone is running for their own reason but you may well find yourself becoming emotional as you approach the finish
When you cross the line keep warm, get your kit and replenish and then you can….